Good Walmart Bikes? Expert Reveals How to Maximize a Box-Store Bicycle

In my mind, I was envisioning a cold November evening having hunted all day and facing a ride back to camp with all of my gear. One feature about the Hyper MTB Ebike that I really like is that the battery is removable. I think Apple started us down a path of non-removable batteries that a lot of electronics manufacturers have adopted but, the trouble with that is that it isn’t user friendly. With the Hyper MTB Ebike, you can charge your bike with the battery installed or removed, which I personally love.

It’s easy to get lulled into buying the flashy mountain-styled bikes on store shelves. They always have eye-catching paint jobs, and some are full suspension — all for cheap. But on a mountain bike, weight can really drag down the enjoyment.

The Hyper MTB Ebike offers pedal assistance, which means you will be an active participant in your ride. This was one of the only things that I was skeptical about when purchasing the Hyper MTB Ebike. I had not used a pedal assist Ebike and so I wasn’t sure just how much effort would be required from me as the rider. It’s not that I am a lazy person, it’s more that I was considering how I planned to use this bike.

I can move thru the orange groves around here so much easier then before. This bike is quiet, so I have been able to get close to some of the wildlife roaming in these parts, (wild hogs, turkeys,etc.). I ride this bike almost every day and the battery has not given out on me so far. I have used this bike to help round up my neighbors cows from the orange groves when ever they decide to take a tour.

Tire pressure is one of the most important pieces of pre-ride bike setup, and it’s worth playing around with different numbers to find what feels best for you. The biggest problem I’ve seen is improper assembly and setup. Even a big-name bike can give a miserable experience if it isn’t set up properly. And sadly, this is an area in which most big-box stores are lacking.

In terms of the 20 mile claim, we were able to easily accomplish this in city streets with minimal inclines. For an off road test I took the Hyper MTB Ebike to a local park wth 14 miles of easy – difficult trails. With the bike on the Medium setting, I was able to make it all the way through with the trail system with a little bit left in the tank. Overall I would have to say I am not only happy with the performance but also happy to see the product description live up to it’s real world use.

Recently, there’s been a trickle down, so features previously only seen on LBS [local bike shop] bikes are creeping into big-box bikes at a fraction of the cost. You also have a large variety of bike choices at big-box stores. There’s usually a bike type for any taste — all on the cheap. As far as capability goes, the mountain bike itself is an easy rider and very comfortable to spend time on riding through the city or on trails. I’m by no means a diehard mountain bike rider, but I did find this bike to be very similar to entry level TREK that I used to have.

My son likes this bike more hyper bike than the one my bf got him ? it sounds so realistic. For under $199, I found it to be better than anticipated out of the box — if properly set up. If you do buy one, be sure to learn how to maintain a bike. Most of these bikes have little-to-no lubrication from the factory, and that can greatly impact their usable life. If for some reason you need to return your Hyper MTB Ebike you can do so within 30 days of your purchase at your local Walmart.