The story of Huffy, from Dayton sewing machine makers to world force in bicycles

Go gravel riding farther and faster with high performance, full suspension. Huffy Corp., now based in Centerville, is planning to move to a 50,000-square-foot headquarters that will give the company 40 percent more space to design and showcase its huffy bikes sample bikes. The Huffman Manufacturing Co. had a plant in Celina, where the bulk… Continue reading The story of Huffy, from Dayton sewing machine makers to world force in bicycles

At Unbound, the biggest story is the beach cruisers at the back

So if the bike industry was a little bit less repetitive with the narratives that we fall back on as crutches – “What’s the lightest thing or the most aero? ” We have these stereotypes that come back over and over and over, and we recycle them. Of course, a beach cruiser isn’t much of a… Continue reading At Unbound, the biggest story is the beach cruisers at the back