The story of Huffy, from Dayton sewing machine makers to world force in bicycles

Go gravel riding farther and faster with high performance, full suspension. Huffy Corp., now based in Centerville, is planning to move to a 50,000-square-foot headquarters that will give the company 40 percent more space to design and showcase its huffy bikes sample bikes. The Huffman Manufacturing Co. had a plant in Celina, where the bulk… Continue reading The story of Huffy, from Dayton sewing machine makers to world force in bicycles

Top 10 fastest bikes in the world! Highest power to weight ratio

The kids’ bicycle that will stick in their memories is the Hyper Mag Wheel Motobike. This kids bike is the coolest to hit the streets, including real Hyper graphics fenders, hi-impact mag wheels, and a superbike-style saddle. It has a robust steel frame with an oversized handlebar, 16-inch rims with detachable training wheels, and knobby… Continue reading Top 10 fastest bikes in the world! Highest power to weight ratio

The Best Scuba Diving in the World: 12 Must-Visit Destinations

And all around coral explodes in color, a testament to the volcanic soil’s rich nutrients and the deep water’s bounty. Forget the overfished reefs and crowded coral walkways. Nestled at the intersection of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and the Somali Current, the Seychelles offers solitude on land and vivid adventure below. Drift dives… Continue reading The Best Scuba Diving in the World: 12 Must-Visit Destinations

The Best Scuba Diving in the World: 12 Must-Visit Destinations

Here, the vibrant hues of coral gardens rival any rainforest canopy. These healthy reefs —protected by the country’s unwavering commitment to conservation — teem with biodiversity. Silent giants like manta rays and whale sharks soar through technicolor depths. Reef sharks patrol their claim with quiet purpose, while more than 20 species of playful dolphins weave… Continue reading The Best Scuba Diving in the World: 12 Must-Visit Destinations